
This project will involve a four month graffiti world tour, touching more than 30 cities in Asia, Europe, and the Americas. It will provide a first-hand account of the current urban art scenes in each city. Check out our regularly updated blog for coverage of paint sessions with local artists and flicks of urban art around the world. https://vimeo.com/52937508


朝から二人の“J”であるJAY FLOWとARTIME JOEそしてSIXCOINが運営するスタジオに向かう。スタジオはソウル市内の街中ではあるが、静かで落ち着いた雰囲気の最高のスタジオだ。
JNJ crew (JAY FLOW and ARTIME JOE) and artist, SIXCOIN's studio. The studio is equipped with a design office, a tattoo booth, a library of art books and magazines from around the world, and a storage full of over a few hundred cans which they can distribute to visiting artists. amazing!

Seoul's most famous piecing spot. While we were painting, they had Chinese noodles delivered right in the tunnel!