
This project will involve a four month graffiti world tour, touching more than 30 cities in Asia, Europe, and the Americas. It will provide a first-hand account of the current urban art scenes in each city. Check out our regularly updated blog for coverage of paint sessions with local artists and flicks of urban art around the world. https://vimeo.com/52937508

AUGUST4-VIETNAM-saigon to bangkok

ベトナムからバンコクまで飛行機で向かう。航空会社はAIR ASIA。明日からモスクワ。もちろんガイド本なし。今WEB開いてみたけどスムーズにいかないみたいだ。不安と期待で緊張気味。とりあえず外務省のHPには“十分注意”とのこと。
Flew back to bangkok by Air Asia. Heading to Moscow tomorrow.