次にアウトサイドにあるモスクワで一番最初にできた店GRAFFITI MARKETに向かった。そこでモスクワのライターと待ち合わせ。マガジンもインクもなんでも有る。おもしろい所は、アーティストじゃない工事現場のおじさんなんかが結構缶を買いにくる。日本と違う感じ。
There are many graffiti shops in Moscow. USTYLES is in a run down shopping mall. A few kids around the age of 11 or 12 came by to buy paint while we were there.
Graffiti Market was the first graffiti shop in Moscow. They have an amazing selection of paint, pens, magazines,and everything graffiti related.
There are many trackside spots that can be painted during the day. It is light until 10pm so there are plenty of time to paint.